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of creating Forma 5
Modern and responsive layout and designed for an easy and engaging user experience
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Forma.lms accepts SSO from a third-party site for the already registered users
The SSO functionality has to be enabled in the general settings.
You have to define a secret key that will have to be shared between forma.lms and the third-party portal or website implementing SSO.
We suggest you to use a long and complex secret key (at least 32 characters, including capitalized and not capitalized letter, numbers, symbols). You can generate a complex key with one of the many automatic token generators available on the web.
You can define the validity of the generated token. Default is 60 seconds. The link generated with the token is valid for the time set starting from when it has been generated.
The link for SSO is as follows:
forma.lms version 1.xx
forma.lms version 2.xx
This is the meaning of the parameters you can find in the link:
<username> = this is the user name as registered in the LMS.
<str_tempo> = token generation date and time, in the timestamp format NNNNNNNNNN
(number of seconds since 1970)
<str_token> = encrypted string, with the following algorithm:
md5( <username> + ‘,’ + <str_tempo> + ‘,’ + <shared key> )
The generated token’s validity can be set under the LMS’s settings. By default it’s 60 seconds.
Shared key: parolachiavecondivisasso
Username (login): gverdi
Date and time of generation: 2017-11-20 09:13:42
url parameters:
URL to be used
forma 1.x:
forma 2.x d16ea692e74fdd9cbbbd2fb1001c33e1
Shared key: ssosharedkeysample
Username (login): johndoe
Date and time of generation: 2017-11-20 09:21:31
url parameters:
URL to be used
forma 1.x:
forma 2.x:
The Forma Lms project is driven by the community of its adopters, organized in the forma.association
Become a member to support the project and make your opinion count: join the association now!
A learning management system designed to fit the specific needs of your organization: start with all the features of a standard LMS, configure it with hundreds of available options, integrate with your other systems through connectors and APIs, extend with lots of available plugins, or add your custom features.
Forget the limits of saas platform and get free: here EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
Knowledge, through learning, today is probably the most critical asset for any company willing to stay competitive and alive. Modern organizations need adaptive models to face the challenges of their markets: that's why whe choose to be open to evolving diversity since our core code with an open source licencing model, and based the forma.association on the principes of participation, sharing and networking.