In the last two years, gamification techniques have been widely and variously used to solve complex problems and improve behavior also in the security field. It is well established that many of the security problems in small and large companies are due to misconduct that opens the door to interference. Numerous studies claim that 50% of corporate data losses are due to accidents caused by internal negligence. Traditionally, companies invest millions of euros in constant training courses but unfortunately the results tend to be poor.

For some time now, the Italia CNR has undertaken an initiative aimed at spreading the culture of information security in the school environment in order to encourage the establishment of virtuous behavior from the very first contacts with the digital world. Considering the recipients of this initiative, the adoption of gamification techniques to motivate and raise awareness among students on the problems of computer security and privacy on the Net was particularly relevant. Hence "Nabbovaldo and blackmail from Cyberspace" a game inspired by the comic “Nabbovaldo against zombie PCs”, whose realization was entrusted to our company, Grifo multimedia.

It is a graphic adventure with a narrative component and a series of mini games that allow the player to move within the virtual world of Nabbovaldo. The game will soon be available on the main marketplace.

Stay tuned!