As stated in the introduction, our second case history is about a company producing bike saddles and accessories.


Our customer's goal was to accompany the launch of a new product by creating a course for dealers and distributors. In particular, dealers coming from several countries should become experts in selling a 3D printed saddle and all of the other items produced by the company.


The company already had a quite precise idea of the course and did almost all the work. They provided 4/5 videos centered on the technical characteristics of the product. It was just necessary to add a cover, a closing part and a test.

Also, the platform was established  in seven different languages and a system of advanced self-enrollment implemented; this means were automatically registered according to their language.

With a modest investment and thanks to Forma flexibility, it was therefore possible to implement an accomplished course and a digital academy. But this is not the end: What was born for the launch of one product, has subsequently been adopted for all the products.