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Forma LMS provides a powerful and flexyble report generation system, with these features:

  • Create unlimited custom report
  • Report generation wizard
  • Automatically filter reports for assigned users and course
  • Scheduling 


Public: when a report is flagged as "public" it will be visible to all adminitstrators and superadministrators. Non public reports can be vewed only by superadministrators and by the administrator that created the report

View: view the report

Export in CSV or XLS format

Schedule the report to be automatically sent by email to selected users

Edit: mmodify configuration options for the report


NOTE: Users with level Administrator will be allowed to see and edit onlyy report flagged as "public", or created by themselves. Within the reports, administrator will see users and courses based on their user assignements. See Administrators management guide for details

Create Reports

A four-steps wizar will guide you in report creation:

  1. Select the report category
  2. Select filter on the rows to display or data aggregation mode
  3. Select the report type: please note that it won't be possible to change the report type once saved
  4. Select column and criteria for the selected report type


Report Category

Forma natively provides three report "categories", each based on a different logic for data displaying, and providing different report types. 

Available categories are:

  1. Users-Courses: will display different data type for a list of users. 
  2. Courses-Users: will display different data type for a list of courses.
  3. Aggregated: shows aggregated informations for selected users and courses 

report category

User Selector

For each category it is possible to select the users to be included in the report.

In most cases the best option is including "all users" and simply filter by course:

report userselector


Report Scheduling

Reports can be automatically generated and sent by email to some users

You can create an unlimited number of schedules:

report schedule list

Upon schedule creation and edit it will be possible to choose the users that will receive the report and set the date/frequency and time with the following settings:

report schedule settings


Cron setting

For the file to be sent you will need to setup a cron-job on you server, calling the file:




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